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Ariel Mioduser


Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Based in Jaffa, Israel. I am a media artist focusing on sound art, animation, and digital painting. My process is a dialogue between these mediums, where I hear the works while painting and see them while composing. My work reflects the energy and restlessness within me.


My sonic explorations have evolved from the manipulation of field recordings and electronic instruments to a more intimate incorporation of my own voice, blurring the line between human and machine-generated sounds. Visually, I embrace the pixel as a raw element, meticulously crafting each one to form intricate worlds.


Across all my works, whether auditory or visual, I strive for a seamless fusion, where sound and image intertwine to form an immersive, multisensory experience. My artistic practice is one of meticulous dedication, where every pixel is crafted in detail and amplified to reveal its inherent essence. This process ensures that even the seemingly tranquil imagery hums with an internal energy.


The themes explored in my artworks encompass a wide range, from dreams and fantasies to cultural motifs, introspection, and engagement with political and social discourse. They present many facets reflecting the diverse influences of the moment and my emotional state during their creation.


Having participated in numerous festivals, group exhibitions, and solo showcases both locally and internationally, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of merging static visuals with dynamic soundscapes. This synthesis adds the dimension of time to an otherwise static medium, and invites the viewer to embark on a multisensory voyage, guided by the evocative soundtrack of the artwork.



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