Resonance Sound Art and New Music Film Festival
Curator and Producer: Ariel Mioduser
Grosso Modo Artists Collective Gallery, Tel Aviv, September 2024

Ariel Mioduser
The Resonance Sound Art and New Music Film Festival is an international event where a unique encounter between video and experimental music is created. This encounter produces works in which the media are intertwined and the boundaries between them blur.
The festival includes works by multidisciplinary artists from Israel and the world, as well as collaborations between visual artists, movement and dance artists, musicians, composers and sound artists.
Six sections were presented in the 2024 edition of the festival:​​​​
Section 1
Playing the world
Concrete music and field recordings

Roundabout midday | Asher Arnon | Israel
Section 2
Enjoy the noise
Noise, drone, ambient and more

Are we there yet? | Henrique Vilao | Portugal
Section 3
Beyond playing
Stretching the boundaries of musical instruments

Bifurcations simples | Joakim Sandgren | Sweden/France
Section 4
See the music
Algorithms and formulas as raw material

Akous-Batik | Jean-Marc Duchenne | France
Section 5
Movement in space
An encounter between movement and sound

Stuhl quartett | Sergey Khismatov | Russia
Section 6
The human voice
Beyond singing

Here's the information we collect | Tansy Xiao | USA